Find Anyone's Email In Seconds.

Enter your contact's information below to get started:

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Note: Mailscoop uses publicly available data for informational purposes only. We are not responsible or liable for our user's actions or their use of this data after obtaining it. By using Mailscoop, the user acknowledges and agrees not to use the tool for any malicious or commercial purpose and expressly accepts any liability that comes from any use from prohibited purposes.

Not Sure What To Say In Your Email?

Check out our Job Search Email Playbook! It’s a 100+ page guide with 25+ copy-and-paste email templates and examples for every job search situation. Click below to check it out:


How To Use Mailscoop To Level Up Your Job Search

Welcome to Mailscoop, a networking tool you can use to easily find the email addresses of people you want to network with. Whether you're looking for a recruiter, a hiring manager, a CEO, or some other decision maker - Mailscoop can help you find their email address (or share its best guess!).

If you've never used an email lookup tool before, no worries! Keep scrolling to learn exactly how to use this thing, as well as more info around email finders in general so you understand how they work. Finally, we'll walk through some frequently ask questions so you can get easy answers!

Ready? Here we go:

How To Find Contact Information In 3 Simple Steps

The great part about Mailscoop (besides the fact that it's free) is that it's incredibly easy to use! All you need to get started are three pieces of information:

  • Your contact's first name
  • Your contact's last name
  • A link to the website of the company where your contact works

Let's say we wanted to find our CEO, Austin Belcak’s, email address. We already know his full name so we just need a link to his company’s website (

With that in mind, our search would look like this:

How Do You Know You Have The Right Email Address?

Great question! While email lookup tools like Mailscoop are super helpful, they're still making educated guesses based on publicly available data.

When you search for an email, Mailscoop tries to find a match based on public data (for example, the email being posted on the internet somewhere). If it can’t find an email with that method, it will make an educated guess based on public information such as email taxonomies and formats.

Due to this, email lookup tools are never going to be 100% accurate 100% of the time due to a variety of factors. That’s why Mailscoop gives you a confidence score. When you run a search, you’ll get 3 different confidence levels:

  • We’re pretty confident this is the right email
  • We couldn't verify this email, this is our best guess
  • We couldn’t find this email or ran into an error

If you get the green dot, you’re good to go! We’re super confident this is a valid email address since Mailscoop was able to verify it using public data.

If you get the yellow dot, this means that the email might be valid but it’s probably worth confirming before you send.

If you get the red dot, this means that we couldn’t find any solid information on the email or taxonomies and formats. This usually happens when there’s an issue with the domain or that the company’s taxonomies aren’t publicly available.

What To Do If You Get A Yellow Or Red Dot?

If you get a yellow or red dot, it’s worth trying to confirm the email address. One option we recommend is Simply plug in the email address that Mailscoop gave you and it will run a search to verify the email:

What If Mailscoop Couldn’t Find The Email Address I Was Looking For?

No email lookup tool out there is going to be 100% accurate 100% of the time. All of them, including Mailscoop, are making educated guesses based on the information they have.

There are a whole bunch of reasons why Mailscoop might not return an email address.

The company's email server may not allow for verification and / or they may have systems in place to confuse verification systems.

There may be several people with the same (or similar) names and Mailscoop is having trouble differentiating.

There may be a funky email convention that the company uses for some of their employees' emails. For example, Austin’s email at Microsoft was a weird combination of his first and last name in a single word. Email finders have a hard time with those.

We'd rather tell you we can't find a match than give you one we're not 100% sure about or can’t make an educated guess on.

If Mailscoop can't find the email of the person you're looking for, you have a couple of options:

Try Different Formats With Mailtester - Since we know that VerifyEmailAddress will validate the right emails, you can try plugging in different combos to see if something fits. For example:

  • [first name]
  • [first name].[last name]
  • [first initial][last name]
  • [first name][last initial]
  • [first name]_[last name]
  • Etc.

Reach Out Via Another Medium - Another option is to reach out via another platform. We recommend any channel where they're professionally active. LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora, and Medium are all great examples. We don’t recommend reaching out to anyone via personal channels.

What To Say In Your Emails: Job-Winning Email Templates & Examples

Finding someone’s email is a great first step! But what do you say? How do you start a conversation with a total stranger, especially when you want something from them? We’ve got you covered!

Our Job Search Email Playbook is a 100+ page guide that covers our entire philosophy for job-winning email communication. It also comes with 25+ templates and examples for every job search situation you’ll come across. You can learn more and grab a copy here:

The Job Search Email Playbook

Remove the guesswork with my all-in-one guide to effortless, offer-winning job search communication.

25+ Email Templates & Examples For Every Job Search Scenario

5+ Data-Backed Tips For Boosting Your Email Response Rates

Austin's Proven Cold Email Testing Methodology

Online Email Template Library For Easy Copying & Pasting


Mailscoop’s Purpose And Your Obligation To Use It With Integrity

Mailscoop was built to help job seekers respectfully build their networks to improve their outcomes. Our networking strategies focus on connecting with people in ways that are high integrity, thoughtful, and respectful. That is the only way that the information Mailscoop provides should be used.

We do not recommend or condone reaching out to people and simply asking for jobs, referrals, or the like. That approach is more likely to frustrate your contacts than it is to generate the results you’re looking for. It’s also not aligned with our philosophy of respectful outreach. Instead, we advise taking a thoughtful approach to building an authentic and genuine relationship with the person you are contacting. This article provides some context around our networking philosophies along with some examples to help illustrate this point (though respectful outreach isn’t limited to the contents of that article alone).

Important: Mailscoop was not built for commercial purposes or to be used with malicious intent. By using Mailscoop, you acknowledge and agree not to use the tool for any malicious or commercial purpose and you expressly accept any liability that comes from any use for prohibited purposes.

Using Mailscoop for any purpose other than to respectfully network is absolutely prohibited and a violation of our site’s Terms of Use. By using the tool you agree to those terms and assume all liability for the actions you take with the information Mailscoop provides.

What is

Find Emails, Connect With Anyone, Build Your Network is a networking tool that helps job seekers find anyone’s professional email in just a few seconds. Simply enter your contact’s name and company website, then Mailscoop will do the rest.

We take the guesswork out of finding contact information so you can focus on respectfully building relationships and landing more referrals at your target companies.

Why did we create

You’ve probably heard that your network is your net worth. That’s especially true in the job search. Data shows that referrals make up the majority of hires in today’s market. But if you want to network? You need to know how to get in touch.

Mailscoop is a tool that helps job seekers find contact information for recruiters, potential referrals, and hiring managers.

The goal of this tool is to enable job seekers to respectfully connect with employees and hiring managers in order to build relationships and land referrals.

How To Use Mailscoop To Network In 3 Easy Steps

Using Mailscoop is easy! Here’s how you can use it to find contact information for networking connections in just a few seconds:

Step #1

Identify a contact that you want to reach out to. You just need their name and their company’s website.

Step #2

Enter your contact’s information into Mailscoop and run your search.

Step #3

Mailscoop will use publicly available information to identify their email or make an educated guess. It will also give you a confidence score.

Mailscoop Has Helped Job Seekers Network And Land Referrals At Top Companies

How Does Mailscoop Work And What Should You Know About Using It?

We built Mailscoop to offer a tool for job seekers to respectfully build their networks. Here is more information about how it works and how it should be used:

Where Does Mailscoop Get It's Data?

Mailscoop only uses data from publicly available sources. If Mailscoop has found an email address in a public space on the internet, it will provide that email in its results. If it can’t find an email, it will make an educated guess based on publicly available data (email taxonomies, formats, etc).

How Should Mailscoop Be Used?

Mailscoop should only be used for authentic and respectful networking. purposes. Under no circumstances is Mailscoop intended for commercial or malicious purposes. We expressly condone the use of this information for those purposes and use of information in that way violates our Terms of Use. By using Mailscoop, users acknowledge that they expressly accept all liability for the actions taken with the information Mailscoop provides.

Resume Bullets Looking Good? Optimize The Rest Of Your Resume Next:

Job seekers who use our entire suite of tools see more matches, more interviews, and more job offers.

Use proven templates to build a job winning resume in minutes.

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The next step? Grab a seat for one of our free, live job search strategy sessions!

Our team hosts these every week with the goal of covering the top 3 strategies we're seeing help our clients score:

đź’° Average Raise: $43,000+

⏱️ Avg. Time To Offer: 3.5 Months

âś… Complete Career Clarity

They're totally free, grab a seat here:

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5 Steps To Land Your Dream Job In 15 Weeks (Without Applying Online)

Congrats! You officially have access to an ecosystem of job search tools that's going to help you accelerate your job search!

The next step? Grab a seat for one of our free, live materclass where we break down the 5 strategies that our clients have been using to see:

đź’° Average Raise: $44,000+

⏱️ Avg. Time To Offer: ~15 Weeks

âś… Complete Career Clarity

They're totally free, register here:

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Nice Job On Finishing Your Cover Letter!

Nice Job On Exporting Your Resume!

Nice Job On Scanning Your Resume!

Nice Job Scoring Your LinkedIn Headline!

Nice Job Scoring Your Resume Bullet!

Nice Work Looking Up Emails For Networking!

You're one step closer to landing that job 🥳

Want To Increase Your Chances Of Landing That Interview? Do This Next:

A great cover letter is only one piece of the puzzle. To really boost your chances, you'll want to pair it with a resume that's fully optimized for the role you're applying to.

Resumes that are optimized lead to more job interviews. But it can be confusing to know which keywords and best practices to use.

Import your resume and leverage our AI to help you make updates and optimize your resume.

Now that your LinkedIn is optimized, it's time to make sure your resume is tailored to the jobs you want to win.

Let's make sure the updates you made to your bullets are aligned with the specific jobs you're applying to.

Our #1 goal when networking is to get a referral. And when someone refers you in? They ask for your resume!

Our ResyMatch tool makes that easy. Here's how to do it in few simple steps:

Our ResyBuild tool will help you do this in a few simple steps:

Click here to get your score and earn 2 standard credits and 1 AI credit on us:

Click here to scan and earn 2 standard credits and 1 AI credit on us:


the tool will open in a new tab

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